Well, we finally got it, and they really should send out notices so you can prepare the front of your house. I mean, I understand why they don't because people would do dumb things, but I really would have appreciated some warning.
The long-awaited day when our house was on street view finally came, just to find that the picture had been taken sometime after I hacked all my bushes in preparation for being pulled out (which will now take place in the spring because we never got around to finishing this project before the ground froze) and my trash can and recycling bin blown over and laying by the curb.

My first thought was "What are the chances?! Why did they have to drive by after trash day before I picked up my cans?!" Then I realized, my neighbor's cans aren't out (which you can't see in this picture), which means the picture probably wasn't taken the same day the trash was picked up and I was caught.
Trash goes out Tuesday night for Wednesday pickup and sometimes I don't go and bring the cans back around until Thursday or Friday . . . or Saturday . . . I think they're always in by Sunday . . . I think.
See, the trash goes out the front of the house, but our main entrance is the back door - we rarely use the front door (except when I go out to the bus stop, and I'm usually running late) - so it's easy to forget the cans out front or not have the time to run around and get them or just not feel like going out front to get them and now I will be forever punished for this combination of busyness and laziness which has my cans out front for longer than they should have been and there is no denying it. I don't even know if they ever come by to take another picture!
It's not satellite (which is good, that would be creepy having satellite zoomed in that close).
It's a picture (which won't change when we do get around to finishing our landscaping in the spring).
This literally made me laugh out loud! I'm still doing it actually...