Friday, January 8, 2010


Well, I did it. I'm wearing my uggs over my pants. I know this has been a style for years now, and I have been consistently mocking people who wore them this way since the trend started. One time Dave and I were at the mall with his family and while one of them was finishing up some shopping, we decided to sit on a bench and wait. I spent the time counting how many people walked past me with their uggs outside their pants just so I could talk with Dave about how silly it was - I don't remember the exact number, but it was astoundingly high and we just could not believe how many people would do that. Any time I wear my boots like normal shoes with my pants over top of them, Dave starts to groan (just the sight of them causes him to make fun of me) and I just remind him that at least they're not outside my pants.
But today, I did it. And there was no "oops, I guess my pants don't fit over the top, I'll have to tuck them in." I planned for it. I wore my skinny pants today (which, like everyone agrees, do not make me feel skinny) and tucked them into my uggs as best I could. Can I just say it's not that comfortable? It snowed this morning and that's how I justified it. I didn't feel like carrying along separate shoes to change in to at work, so I just thought I'd prepare to wear them all day. But my pants just feel all bunchy, and I question whether uggs are made for pants to fit inside...with all that fur...I don't think it's even supposed to work like this. I don't feel trendy or comfy, just bunchy and a little itchy on my shins. But after so many years of mocking others who did it, I felt the need to confess (and apologize for offending those who love uggs outside their pants) -- I'm sorry I made fun of you in my head and told Dave about how funny I thought your outfit looked and then turned around and did it. I admit my hypocrisy. And although I won't wear them like this again, I'll work on not making fun of those who do.

Three more thoughts:

1) I am always hungry after going to the dentist, but don't want to eat because that dentist-clean feeling only lasts so long. Now that I've had lunch, I just want to brush my teeth again...

2) I LOVE Chobani greek yogurt. So yummy and I feel healthy when I eat it. You should eat it too.

3) I'm glad it's Friday and I'm so thankful for my husband.


p.s. Please don't make fun of my faded mom bought them for me so I could survive my college winters in Indiana and, yikes, that was 8 years ago. So I wore them and continue to wear them in the snow, not just for fashion, and they are, therefore, not very fashionable.

1 comment:

  1. You are so funny! I felt the same way and did the same thing this year! I don't have real Uggs though...and they don't look faded either! I never would have noticed. :)
