I've never cared about a frost advisory before in my life.
That is, until last night.
It all started on Saturday. Dave, his friend Matt from school (not to be confused with cousin Matt) and I spent the early part of the afternoon pulling out all of our old bushes and plants. Well, I mostly pulled out weeds and stuff while the boys pulled out the bushes. I shouldn't take credit for the bushes.
The bushes needed to come out. I don't really like bushes, and everything was overgrown (probably because we didn't do anything with it since we moved in...in 2008) and too close together and we just decided we wanted a clean slate. Plus we had to finish what we started. Once everything was out, Matt went home and Matt and Amy came over (can I say how thankful and blessed we are to have friends and family that help us like this?!!) Cousin Matt and Dave took everything we pulled out to the compost pile and Amy and I went to the store.
You have to know, I don't know a thing about gardening. I didn't know I didn't know a thing until cousin Amy helped me work on mine and she kept explaining what to do next and I kept thinking...I didn't know that! or that! or that! or...you get the idea. I was oblivious to my novice-ness. I used to help my mom garden. When I had to. 15 years ago. And I guess I should've been taking notes because whatever I helped her do then, I did NOT remember when working on my garden this past weekend. So we went to the store for an hour and a half until we picked out all 3 types of plants we wanted. Seriously. It shouldn't have taken that long. Amy is knowledgeable, but we must be two of the most indecisive people alive.
We got home, ate dinner, and went out to plant. It was starting to get dark. Half the plants were in. I turned on the porch light. We were wearing our winter coats. This should've given me a clue, but I just didn't know and I was so excited to get it finished and Amy was there and she didn't mind and so we just kept working. I think we finished about 8:30 or 9:00pm on Saturday night.
Sunday. I watered my plants because Amy told me to. Turns out plants live better if you water them every day - especially at the beginning.
Monday. I watered my plants. Two days in a row. I find my consistency to be quite an accomplishment. While at work, I told my co-worker, Carol, about my weekend and how we got everything planted. I told her how the little sign at the store next to my petunias and tomato plant said that the plants were delicate and should be brought inside or covered at night and how I thought that was funny and was just going to pray that they survived on their own. She looked surprised that I planted everything already and proceeded to tell me that she has planters with lettuce in them and she covers them with old bath towels every night. I smiled. (and thought to myself - yeah right. I am never putting towels on my plants.)
Later in the afternoon she brought me a printout from wgal.com showing the frost advisory for Monday night and said I should probably cover the petunias and the tomato. I smiled. (and thought to myself - yeah right. I am never putting towels on my plants.)
So last night I told my mom the story and she said "hmmm. Petunias are really delicate. They will last all summer long, but frost will kill them in a day." My mama is always right. I couldn't risk it.
And so this is what my petunias looked like this morning:

Yes, those are my washcloths. And they protected my petunias all night.
You'll notice my shadow in the first picture - that's because I'm holding the camera right in front of my body trying to hide the fact that I'm taking a picture of this
Everything is so much more embarassing for me because we live on a main street that always has cars driving on it. Not only are there always cars driving, they frequently get stopped at the redlight and have the pleasure of sitting in front of our house for a minute or two. And when that happens...while they are sitting there in front of my house...I come outside to uncover my precious petnuias from their overnight blankets.
The good news is that they survived. Of course. Because they had blankets.
I'm praying there are no more frost advisories until October.
Here's my cherry tomato plant. It's out next to our back porch.
Don't make fun of me - I ran out of mulch.
I have high hopes for this tomato plant, and I tell it so every time I walk past it to go out to the car. I hope it's listening.

* * * * *
We went to Fuddrucker's with the Harvey's over Easter weekend. Ryan dominated the 1 pounder, and since I discussed his previous defeat, I thought it only fair to promote his success as well. :)
Here he is about half-way through. Still smiling, although it looks like he's starting to get tired. Eating one of these things apparently wears you out.

The finished plate...


Congratulations, Ryan! :)
I literally laughed out loud when I saw washcloths scattered throughout your planter! And then I laughed even louder when I knew you were trying to hide your picture taking. PLUS, I talk to my plants :) I think it helps them survive. Goodness knows I don't water them enough! Keep up the good work.